Nice to Meet You
Welcome to my blog. Make yourself comfortable. I look forward to meeting you, both here on this page and in real life. In the coming months, I plan to use this platform to share thoughts, resources, and opportunities to interact for members of the queer community (and allies are welcome, too). For starters, I would like to
start an advice column focused on queer issues;
see if there’s interest in meeting up, both virtually and in person (if you’re in the Baltimore area);
post resources for gender benders, trans, and nonbinary folx, as well as provide a reading/watch list for parents of newly out people;
feature interviews with other creative minds—not just writers, but musicians, arts, and more!
If this sounds like something you may be into, rad! If not, no sweat. Come and go as you please.
And, with that, let’s begin—let’s build something beautiful together.
My faithful feline, Stevie Nicks Kittypants joins me in Baldwinian bliss.